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Student Portal

Collaborative and Peer to Peer learning

BOSTON Institute Of Natural Medicine pedagogical model is based on an online collaborative learning environment that promotes peer-to-peer learning and utilizes open-source technology along with open educational resources (OER).


Open Educational Resources, defined by the Hewlett Foundation as “teaching, learning, and research resources” that are either in the public domain or are released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use, have a remarkable ability to reshape the way we approach education. OER can include everything from full courses to select modules, textbooks, video material, software, tests and more. These incredible reserves of openly accessible material have already been put to use in many colleges and universities, and have even become the basis for new educational models.

In order to deliver our content we use the Moodle Platform.



TALENTLMS is a free software, a learning management system providing a platform for e-learning and it helps the various educators considerably in conceptualizing the various courses, course structures and curriculum thus facilitating interaction with online students.

Moodle was devised by Martin Dougiamas and since its inception, its primary agenda has been to contribute suitably to the system of e-learning and facilitate online education and attainment of online degrees.

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